If you are running a small business, every marketing campaign that you do should really stand out. However, budget will certainly be a great concern. You do not expect to compete with large corporations with millions of dollars in their marketing and advertising pockets. But you can turn to good old print marketing for great promotional ideas.
Your marketing campaign need not be in a grand scale. Just a few printed materials should be enough to get the word out about your business or any promo that you are trying to announce. Here are 10 wonderful print marketing ideas that should kick start your small business.
Posters: No business should be without any posters. Traditional promotional marketing calls for this type of collateral. You can design an eye-catching poster, put it up in the places where your target customers frequent, and it will keep on announcing your marketing message for as long as it is there.
Flyers: If your customers will not go to you, then go to your customers. Let one or two of your employees go outside of your shop and start handing out flyers. Again, location is key. Go to the train station. Go to the mall. Go to the park. Anywhere your customers might be, you should be there too giving them your flyers.
Brochures: Get a bunch of brochures printed and hand them out to any customer who would walk in or to any person for that matter. Brochures quickly change hands especially if they are beautifully designed and unique.
Postcards: Do you have a mailing list? Make good use of it by sending everyone in your list a postcard and maybe a little souvenir just to get their attention. Print a little message on the postcard together with your business name, contact details and any promo you may want to inform them.